BMSC & Arena League Get together…All Welcome.

On 10th December after the last Arena League meet in Derby I would like to invite all swimmers, coaches, parents etc to a fundraising event at Belper Football club (the invitation is of course extended to any swimmer family in the club even if you are not at Arena League). 

The event is to raise money to support a group of Belper and Duffield Scouts who are heading over to America next summer on an exchange. William, Samuel and I are lucky enough to be going.

See attached a flyer but essentially there is live music from a local group and a young teenage singer songwriter. 

Tickets are £5 each plus there will be a bar and a BBQ to buy food and drink. Although the evening starts at 7.30 I don’t suppose things will really get started until about 8.30.
It would be a great way to celebrate the end the swimming term.

Gavin Brookes.

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