
Welcome to the Safeguarding and Child Protection page

A word from the BMSC Welfare Officer, Amy Saint

Dear BMSC swimmers, parents, supporters and coaches.

I’m sure you will agree that swimming is a great activity and life skill for adults, children and young people. It is all of our responsibility to ensure that children and young people can enjoy and be safe when swimming at BMSC and I hope that this page provides you with all of the information you need to support us with safeguarding. If you have any questions or concerns then please contact me immediately at welfareofficer@belpermarlin.co.uk or via the contact details on the club noticeboard and I will reply as soon as possible.

Thank you for supporting us.



Child Protection Policies

Here you will find useful links to documents and websites that support us all in safeguarding swimmers.

Wave Power Logo
Wavepower 2020-23: The Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures is packed with advice and guidance for swimmers, parents and coaches.

Click here to access the materials


Swimline (swimming’s version of Childline) is a confidential freephone number provided for anyone involved in aquatics, adults or children, who believe that the welfare of someone under the age of 18 is at risk.

Swimmers can also visit Child Power; Your Voice where they can discuss and get support for any aspect of their swimming.

You can follow this link to the Child Power Leaflet  download which will give you some help if you need it

BMSC have a set of Safeguarding policies in place to ensure the safety and welfare of our swimmers. Anyone involved with the club is advised to familiarise themselves with the appropriate Code of Conduct and to ensure that the content of these is upheld at all times.

BMSC Safeguarding Policy

BMSC Child Safeguarding Policy Statement


Copyright 2025

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