Many of you will be aware from various Marlin blogs, by reading the notice board and by children passing on messages from LT sessions themselves that today, 11/1/15, is the DEADLINE to return the LT general screening documents.
The document takes less than 2 minutes to complete and has been designed to further BMSC compliance with Swim 21 and Safeguarding practices.
We have an average of 85 swimmers & swimprovers attending LT each month BUT we only have 53{049a3929933ec48437eb79fbb91c0c269071f432db20c2a31d6158f123ca9744} of swimmer forms returned. Unfortunately, without a signed form of consent to participate, LT may be OFF LIMITS to many dedicated swimmers until the appropriate paperwork is signed and returned.
Please help the LT coaches to keep helping as many swimmers and swimprovers as possible by returning forms at this evenings session.
We'd love to have you with us
Fill in this form to start the registration process