LT “Impossible” or “I’m Possible” ?

A huge turnout at LT this week and both groups worked really hard across the core, plyometric and resistant band work.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the screening forms returned. It is already adding huge value to the way we lead and monitor certain exercises, groups and swimmers.

This weeks swimprovers were incredibly well deserving with great dedication, effort and behaviour, so well done:
Group 1: Rebecca Phelan
Group 2: Chelsea Ely

PLEASE NOTE: Due to swimmer and coach attendance at this weekends gala, LT is cancelled this week 25/1/15.

So we’ll leave you with this little bit of insight regarding one of the worlds greatest ever pool athletes: “Sure, Michael Phelps had the genetic make-up to be an outstanding swimmer and put in tons of hard work in the pool, but there had to be something extra special about his dryland training in order to allow him to ascend to the top of the swimming world. Not so, says Phelps’s longtime strength and conditioning coach Keenan Robinson. According to Robinson, “a multi-faceted approach to athletic development and early emphasis on the right kinds of dryland training” is absolutely key.”


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